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House Metal P/L
 Business years:14Year
Enterprise Information
CompanyHouse Metal P/L
Address16 Wayne Ct, Dandenong VIC 3175
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Your one stop shop for high grade fencing products Our extended range of products, versatile service, and constant supply of stock guarantees for our customers has access to fencing supply of the highest quality

At Triple Star Fencing Supplies, we strive to provide customers with a one stop shop solution to steel and aluminum Fencing products Our ever expanding range of products has seen us grow from a small 278sqm factory to a 3200 sqm head office and a retail branch in West Victoria. Our goal is to keep all necessary fencing products under one roof to make life easier for our customers

From our humble beginnings in aluminum cast products, to importing steel, and now aluminum, our success is based on listening to our customers‘ changing needs Why it is a change in consumer demand as trends change, or a new product yet to be seen on the market, we are here to chat about it

Our strong for quality products has seen us partners with Orrcon Steel to provide a premium quality range of galvanized and primed steel The applications are not only limited for the fencing market but can be used for an endless list of jobs Browse our range online anywhere at any time!



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